Our prayer is for the power of God to help us attain the mission that is set before us so that many lives might be saved.
It is our mission, our drive, our motivation to change the world through service to God by way of building a bridge that stretches from the throne of God to the broken lives of mankind. We pledge that our walk with Christ shall lead us to the disciplines of His word, will and ways, so to allow us to transform the world-led individual into a walking, talking, breathing citizen of the Kingdom of God.
In order to achieve such a mission, the members of this Church vow to demonstrate qualities of Christ taught from the Word of God, such as:
G iving in spite of
R eaching the down trodden
E mbracing misused
A dvising the doubtful
T ugging at the unstable soul
E ncouragement to the troubled R efreshing the shattered
Z eal for the depressed
I nnovation for the slothful
O ptimism for the pessimistic N ourishment for the soul